Star Trek: The Next Generation ============================== Watch-through Comments ---------------------- I've never seen TNG or much Star Trek in general. These are my initial watch-through notes. I'll update this page as I progress through the show. Encounter at Farpoint --------------------- ### Season 1 Episode 1–2 The pilot was meh. The acting is off-putting. The writing is bland. I like the crew, but I can only remember a few names: Data, Captain Picard, and First Officer Riker. ESP lady is my fav character so far. I like how the Zorn guy was like "You're a Betazoid, don't read my mind!" and she's like "No, I'm only half Betazoid. I'm only half-reading your mind", as if that makes it an acceptable violation of privacy. I don't like Q's character. I think the writers played his character way too seriously. He was much too straight faced for a cosmic demigod, who I assume will be a repeat foil, challenging the daring spacefarer explorers. I've actually met John de Lancie at a convention before, and he was a very upbeat and funny guy in person. Here's hoping the writers give the character a sense of humor in future eps. I'm a little shaky on timeline. I think they said this was the 24th century. I assume old Enterprise crew from TOS are long dead. There was that 137-year-old dude cameo appearance. No clue who that was supposed to be, but I'd hazard a guess that he's a character from TOS. I'm guessing this is like 80–100 years later. Picard was really ready to put a ship full of children in line of fire from a giant space jellyfish. He wasn’t exaggerating when he said he wasn’t a family man. What the fuck was starfleet thinking when they put kids on exploratory ships!? Also I didn’t quite get the space jellyfish thing. Primitive brick hut people nursed one back to health, but then enslaved it as a city-sized 3D printer to make advanced tech to please starfleet, while continuing to live in brick huts themselves. And is Groppler Zorn, like, a representative of the Bandi village? How the hell did he get to that position? He seemed under-qualified, had no charisma, clearly wasn’t wealthy, and didn’t seem to have any military backing… or, like, any backing. The Naked Now ------------- ### Season 1 Episode 3 This episode sucked. Slog to sit through. Felt like filler, and it's ep 3. Not great. Cptn. Picard and Dr. Crusher handled that epidemic with the poise and efficiency of the U.S. government. They literally had the not-a-disease disease identified and isolated at the first patient, and then did nothing. No forced quarantine, no safety precautions after Geordi leaves, no plan-B should the decades-old cure not deliver. In terms of foresight and problem solving abilities, uninfected crew was hardly differentiable from impaired-judgement crew. Enterprise found everyone on a sister vessel dead and they didn't give a single fuck. Then the ship exploded in front of them, and no one batted an eye. Typical day exploring space, I guess. Cold. I want Wesley to go away. Terrible character. Develop the rest of the crew first, writters. I want to know more about Riker, Troi, and Data in particular. Enterprise really leaning into that security through obscurity over good protocol design. Wesley was able to commandeer a ship with an audio recorder and a toy tractor beam. How do they survive encounters with advanced alien tech? Lt. Yar and Data, lol. Good for her. Doesn't it take hundreds of millions of years for a red giant to shed its envelope and become a white dwarf? I don't think stars collapse like that in real time. And even if they do, what are the odds they'd be present on the very day it happened?